To those of you following this diary, and my attempts to clear my name as someone who was falsely charged with attempted felony extortion for writing a Demand Letter and threatening a press conference about a victim of police abuse, here is the latest:
One of my recent prose/rhetoric/short film presentations at Shacojazz Art Cafe apparently was caught on film, as I noted before regarding Connecticut Advocate photographer Paul Desmarais and his big honkin' Nikon in the first post above, showing how the NH Attorney General's office is a piece of shit, wholly derelict in its duties involving valid ethics complaints that I file, and how NAACP Defendant Gloria Timmons lied in her Deposition. I'm so busy I didn't even notice that the story ran 2 weeks ago, but some peeps in the community told me about it tonight. Community folk love me and love what I'm doing.