Well I continue to dig up more proof to substantiate exactly why I should be so pissed-off about the NAACP throwing me under the bus when the bogus attempted felony extortion charge was foisted by Chief Dunn. BTW I have proof conclusive right here the town of Jaffrey NH asked his ass to leave 3 weeks ago with a $25,000.00 buyout; and nobody else will have him; he was a finalist in one other arena and candidate in two others but his bullshit with me and at least one other individual have him tripped-up.
Meanwhile, remember I used to be a law enforcement officer for the Ohio Attorney General's office (4 years' worth) and have had police friends, sued police and represented police. Meanwhile, Police have called Marty Dunn a "slime-bag."
Dig these two letters I just sourced, one of which is titled "Temporality and respect." The first one was written after a Nashua Police officer failed to appear at an NAACP meeting as scheduled.