I know I am new here, but I respectfully submit this closing argument for your consideration relative to the case in which I stand accused of Attempted Felony Extortion for issuing a Demand Letter and "threatening" to call a press conference. I sued them back, of course, for Defamation and First Amendment retaliation because they copped the indictment 2 days after I notified NAACP and Jaffrey, NH lawyers about my little blawg -- which was quite critical of the both of them.
Please take 4 minutes to listen to it and to help me refine it. It has to be simple. The story and case itself is quite complex (but I have provided lots of Deposition Transcripts in yesterday's posts to aid understanding) so I figure who better to help me hone it than the great minds on this board. The First Amendment hangs in the balance. I step into the chamber, flame suit on.
And check out this N.E. Ohio blog retaliation case. I'll be talking with them, too.